Eva Brucherseifer

A Short Intro

  • Age: 2nd February, 1973 in Worms, Germany.
  • Located in: Darmstadt, Germany
  • Occupation: Electrical Engineer
  • Nickname on IRC: eva
  • Claim to Fame: One of the founders of KDE-Women, of the KDE-Edu project and the KDE-Solaris mailinglist, member of fair teams, doing a lot here and there and also author of a number of probably hated bug and usability reports.
  • Hardware: A wonderful HP Omnibook XE3

The Interview

Is there a certain application/set of applications in KDE you are responsible for?

Unfortunately I don't have the time to do a lot of coding, although I have masses of ideas (Mail me, if you don't know what to code ;-)

So I only did little things like the HTML export filter for KSpread.

What else do you do for KDE?

Organizatorial stuff.

Is there any unreleased stuff in your pipe?

Right now I am working on with an online registration system for fairs, and an event calender. The participants of LinuxTag in June will hopefully be able to test the first beta ;-)

How much time do you usually spend on KDE?

Usually something like 5-20 hours per week. But it's been much less the last due to a heavy typists neuritis in my right hand :-(

When did you hear of KDE first?

Puh, that is a long time ago. I guess it came with some SuSE version to my computer. During my thesis, we also had KDE1 installed on the SUNs at university.

How and when did you get involved in KDE?

When I saw the betas of KDE2 I fell in love... So when Ralf and Thorsten asked me to join the team for Systems 2000 in Munich, I couldn't resist ;-) I first met the guys on LinuxTag 1999 and 2000.

Do you always use bleeding edge KDE? If so, how did it make you bleed?

If the kdelibs are more than developer versions - then yes.

The worst in a development version is a non-working kmail. I lost my inbox several times. But that is part of the game ;-)

And I always have the "backup" at the computer at work, where I only have stable versions.

Make me bleed? Only when Konqi kept crashing while I was doing my online banking, but that is fixed now.

What is your favorite KDE application?


What is missing badly in KDE?

Project management tools, software engineering tools, creativity tools (like mind mapping).

Which section of KDE is underrated and could get more publicity?

KDE-Edu and the organization of events.

Make a suggestion to promote KDE.

Promote a list of software companies/KDE developers who code KDE stuff for companies.

Are you being paid to work on KDE?


Recommend a good book about computing that should be a must read for every aspiring new developer and that isn't on the KDE Books Page.

Herbert Schildt: C++ Reference and after their first shipwrecked software project they should read; Erich Gamma: Design Patterns

Martin Fowler: Refactoring

According to Linus Torvalds, 95 percent of all software developers believe they are in the top 5 percent when it comes to knowledge and skills. Where are you?

Still learning ;-) at 60%?

If you were a KDE app, which one would you be? Why?

What a question... ;-)

What does your desktop look like?

You don't want to know... a lot of paper around and sometimes one or more cups with biological experiments ;-)

What is your favorite KDE Game?

Sorry, don't have one. But I like hunting bugs in beta software - does that count? ;-)

What resolution is your monitor?


Is your KDE 'mom-proof'? (can your mom use KDE?)

My mother doesn't really like computers, but the rest of the family (my father and my 2 sisters) are rather good at computers, and I managed only to convince one of my sisters to install Linux so far. So we still have regular discussions on the OS question ;-)

What's the app you most want to write?

KGap - An edu application for "fill in the gap" tests and a KDE-Edu framework, that integrates several KDE-Edu apps.

What was your first computer?


Personal Questions

First things first. Are you married/do you have a partner? Or are you up for adoption?

Matze and I are not married yet, although some people might wish that ;-)

If you have a partner, how does your mate cope with a KDE addict?

Lucky me - he's one too. :-)

Do you have children?

Fortunately not.

What's your favorite board game?


What is under your bed?

Under the mattress there used to be a carpet only - since 1 week we have a real bed :-)

Do you have pets? Names? URL to photo's?

No pets except ugly spiders living here sometimes - brrr.

What are your addictions?

The computer...

What's for breakfast?

Cereal and coffee with milk.

There's a complete power cut and the batteries in your laptop are flat. What do you do?

If the weather is fine I'd do a little motorbike tour in the Odenwald area. Otherwise I'd read a book.

What is the strangest person you ever met?

Some Australian girls in Sweden - they barbecued on a market place in a small Swedish town and celebrated Christmas in swimsuits at the beach (in Sweden!)

If someone visits your country, which spot is a must-be?

The Rhein Valley north of Mainz and Mainz itself.

Do you have a hobby, other than working on KDE?

Driving my motor bike - especially during our holiday we make large tours.

You are going to be permanent exiled from your country tomorrow. You can take 3 things with you, what will they be?

Matze, my laptop and photos.

What's your favorite childhood book?

Madita by Astrid Lindgren.

Do you read the comics in the newspaper? Or watch cartoons on tv? What's your favorite comic or cartoon character? URL?

Userfriendly and Dilbert.

If you had to nominate one person for sainthood, who would it be?

I don't believe in God...

What is the most difficult question you could be asked?

This one?

Give us one favorite (non-searchengine/non-tech/non-Linux/non-KDE) URL.


Coke or Pepsi?

Shower or Bath?

Pizza or Hamburger?

Cremation or Burial?

Ferrari or Mercedes?
Usually BMW only... but if I have to choose: Ferrari for driving and Mercedes in Formula 1.

Tea or Coffee?

Emacs or Vi?

Baywatch or Discovery Channel?
Discovery Channel.

Sandals or Sneakers?

Bike or Car?

Ski's or Surfboard?
I'd try to learn to ski first.

Disco/dancing or Bar?
Bar, but disco is not so bad either.

Pyjama's or not?

Beach or Mountains?

Blond or Dark?

Beer or Wine?

Spaces or Tabs?
Tabs (only).